Monsta X Reaction You Get Hurt by Fans

monsta x oppose to you gettting hate from fans

anon asked: Monsta X response to whenever someone is being mean to you? Like some other idol operating theater person like a crazy fan? And they make you cry?

sorry for the delay enjoy!

shownu: you told shownu how you were getting hate comments on your instagram and he sporting stared in shock. when you started to cry because of the monstrous comments shownu immediately hugged you and aforementioned "why would they do that, if they were true fans they would support us." atomic number 2 kissed your forehead and said "its okay jagi they are right green-eyed because of our healthy and beautiful relationship."


In the first place posted by kiihong

kihyun: he would be shocked at the words that came from your mouth. atomic number 2 would tweet to all the monbebes saying hullo mon bebes i know alot of you are upset with whats exit on between me and (y/n) just i desire you all to know that you shouldnt make up mean to her because she is the nicest person i have met:) He would hold you and caress your hand simply when he saw you crying he would get mad and punch the wall because someone hurt you.


Originally posted by minyoghurt

wonho: when wonho walked in on you crying he asked what was base you showed him all the hatred you got, he got angry and told you not to worry and that he will attend of it. when helium went go the v app He same "hi mon bebes i know about the issue with (Y/n) well i desire everyone to know i hush up love you all but this girl is precise primary to me so please if you send hatred dont send it to her, send it to ME."


In the first place posted by kihqun

hyungwon: you ran to hyungwon in tears of all the things the great unwashe were saying happening social media. atomic number 2 was laughing at something he saw but when you ran in and hugged him with weeping falling down your face his nerve straight off dropped. after a while of explaining what happened he immediately went online and aforementioned "mon bebes if you dont like my girlfriend (Y/n) then dont aspect at her OR dont talk about her because only true mom bebes would reinforcement me and this beautiful cleaning woman"


Originally posted by yuhwan

minhyuk: when you and minhyuk were watching movies you started to tear aweigh and when he asked if the movie was to sad  you told him it was something else and showed him the ugly and rude comments. he shouted and grabbed your phone scrolling through them saying "YAHHH HOW CAN SOMEONE SAY THAT ABOUT A BEAUTIFUL MAJESTIC FUNNY AND Gifted WOMAN THOSE PEOPLE WILL PAY!!!". earlier indefinite of the concerts he aforementioned " i just want to say something before we start, my jagi has been receiving hate and i just want to suppose IF I SEE ANYONE LAY A FINGER ON HER I WILL NOT HESITATE TO GET YOU KICKED OUT OF HERE…. im sorry for raising my voice merely please respect my jagi."


Originally posted aside chiqkihyun

jooheon: when you asked jooheon to give you your phone he turned it on and sawing machine it was loose to your comment section and he saw all the rude comments. he asked you just about it and when you started to cry helium pulled you close and said "well jagi you know what f*** them your beautiful, smart, a great kisser, talented, your vocalise is like silk and your hair is so soft thus those mass bank liken to you, okay gorgeous"


Originally posted past isinosijak

i.m: when you were walking with i.m to his room so helium can get ready for a fan signing you told him what was occurrence ,he tried to stay calm and just same " zero no none that wont do, thats not right." when you reached the way he kissed you and said " ill mind of it". when it was time for the signing he came out and said " hi howdy i just want to say that thither has been issues with (y/n) and i didnt think IT was suited for citizenry to say that to such an amazing person" he called you up to the stage and aforementioned " i love her and mon bebes but if you cant plunk fo us that shows me the true person you are"


Originally posted by hshi

-admin ki-chan

Monsta X Reaction You Get Hurt by Fans


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