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Posts Tagged '20-sided sorceress book ten'

That'southward Right. Balancing the Scales is Hither!

The wait is over! For real!

Read the final book in The Twenty-Sided Sorceress series:

Get it on Kindle Here.

Get it at iBooks/Apple Here.

Get it at Google Play Here.

Get information technology at Kobo Here.

Get it at B&Northward/Nook Here

And if y'all are sad that this is the final book, don't be! In that location is withal Harper's Tale coming at some indicate this yr, plus the next Urban Fantasy series I'k working on is already on pre-order for October and will exist featuring Alek'due south sister Kira! So you don't have to leave Jade's world but yet.  If you want to pre-order Bad Moon on the Rise (6-gun Shifters volume 1) go HERE for Kindle and Hither for iBooks or Kobo or B&N.

Happy Reading!

Holidays 2019 Update

Long fourth dimension since an update, I know. There just hasn't been much new to say other than "all the same working on volume ten" so…

That said, there'south good news! I accept to finish upwardly final editing and possibly tweak a couple more scenes, then information technology has to go copy-edited, ane more than proofing laissez passer, then formatting, and we'll exist across the finish line on volume 10.  I don't know if I can get all that done before December (especially since some depends on schedules of others similar editor/formatter etc and they have holiday plans I'm sure) simply the book is nearly here and we'll probably squeak it into 2019 and then I tin can shut out the decade with a finished serial for you all.

In other writing news, I'll be at Dutch ComicCon this weekend as an author guest (site has both Dutch and English options if yous want to take a look).  Here is the website:

Also, my Patreon is up and running and the patrons chose Wrath: Pyrrh Considerable Crimes Segmentation Volume 2 every bit the project and then the first chapter is alive to read right at present! There will be at least a chapter every calendar month (and of course, the final version volition exist available equally ebook and impress once nosotros wrap it up on Patreon). If you lot want to read along and possibly get some extra things like sneak previews of upcoming books, curt stories, and a hazard to vote on things from new projects to character names, click HERE and come bring together!

Thank you all again for your patience while I figured out this terminal 20-Sided novel and dealt with a lot of life stuff this twelvemonth.  I hope everyone has a wonderful vacation and winter season. Information technology'south going to be a smashing new year in 2020 and I'm excited about the post-20sided projects I take to share with you (that I'll talk about afterward I get volume 10 out, cause first things showtime).

Thank yous!

Thank y'all for 5 amazing years since Justice Calling was first released!  I know y'all are waiting patiently (for the most office haha) for book 10 and information technology is truly coming in Baronial (soonTM right?), but today is the 5th anniversary of Justice Calling and I figured that was worth jubilant.

I was on bed residual and half expressionless when I wrote Justice Calling and Murder of Crows and they were the books of my heart. I never dreamed I'd sell over a half a one thousand thousand copies of this series or become to meet the crawly people I've met, get to wake upwardly to sweet reader emails and encouragement and knowing that people love Jade & friends equally much equally I beloved them. Readers make a writer's career possible, and I am so grateful for you all, and that you love these little books that are small pieces of my heart in and then many ways.

Here's to five more years, and to finishing this serial the manner it deserves hopefully.

(and if yous want to know what happened to June and July, well, tell my husband to not give me pneumonia next time he gets sick and we'll talk. I know writers with wellness issue make for frustrating release schedules and blown deadlines, simply trust me when I say we hate it every bit much as you lot do. But we're human, not discussion machines, and life happens, sorry.)

Thank yous all! Update with new book shortly(tm).

June Update: No Book Nonetheless

Y'all are likely getting equally tired of reading the bookless monthly updates equally I am of writing them, just I had a shit May plagued with a terrible cold and the stress of finding a new identify to live, and so yeah. Things didn't get to programme (do they ever?).

I am traveling to encounter my family next calendar week for the first fourth dimension in a year but other than that, my life is devoted to volume x existence done as soon as I tin can without compromising my vision of the story. I won't get into how the sausage is fabricated too much, merely I changed a major outcome in volume x a couple months agone which meant having to re-draft the majority of the book, and so if yous are wondering how information technology could exist nigh done in Jan and not done in June, that's how. You lot can't really alter something in a novel without re-drafting to make sure the modify fits with the whole  (well, I can't anyway). And then please, don't be besides disappointed, the book is coming, and I even skipped hanging out with kittens to work on it this weekend and then you know that's much I love y'all. 🙂

Besides, as a bonus for the Patreon followers (which you can be, too! for equally piddling equally a dollar!), I posted the showtime chapter of Harper'southward Tale (which is coming probably Oct or Nov this year). So if you want to read it, join the Patreon and enjoy!

May Update

Hi. We're here. In May. Yep.  Basically the brusque version is: I'g still dealing with mystery back/butt injury that might be a neurological problem and living in pain isn't fun or productive. Also developed some fun new symptoms in the last few months and so I've been living on like 3 hours of sleep average a nighttime. I won't diameter y'all with personal details.  But 20sided volume 10 is almost done I only can't requite firm appointment crusade I'thousand working whenever I'm able and I refuse to release this volume without information technology existence exactly the book I want.  And then I'll say in the next couple weeks but it might be a little longer. I dunno. I'k working on it.

Meanwhile, if you are drastic for more fiction, I've started a Patreon (mostly to grandad into the old rates, there'south not much happening withal) and there are some posts and stories upward there for the early adopters. After I terminate Balancing the Scales (and hopefully after we hitting the primary goal), in that location will be new stuff and if yous join upwards, yous tin can have a say in things similar what I work on next, graphic symbol names, etc…  So bank check it out:  (the Patreon is especially for you if you want more Gryphonpike or Pyrrh, cause the whole point of it is to come across if peeps want me to end the older, neglected serial etc)

Anyway, seriously I want to thank all of you for your ballsy patience. Hopefully I tin can deliver the best birthday present (ie a finished, kicking-ass volume) for May (my bday is May 12th and then I'yard hardcore aiming for before that for release appointment, but we'll see).

Book 10 is withal coming, promise

Hey, deplorable for the silence. I've been dealing with aforementioned old same old back injury stuff plus some crazy family stuff that came up (that I might talk about publicly somewhen only am not fix to practise so however, sorry).  That combined with me tearing apart book ten and redrafting it crusade I'thou mega-paranoid nearly getting the grand finale of Jade'southward story perfect has meant delay after delay.

But the good news is I had the final late night epiphany moment (for me, writing books is total of these moments, ha, but there is commonly at least ane big one each book where everything my witting and subconscious brain has been working on comes into focus and I feel like I can finally put the words downward in a style that does it justice) and I am full steam alee on final capacity and edits.

I won't give an exact date cause some stuff (like copy edits etc) depends on other people's timelines etc simply I recollect I can confidently say March.  Which I know I confidently said January and we all see how that went, oops, only life happens and I am grateful that people are understanding that authors are human.  This book volition be worth the look, in my totally biased opinion.

And again, before anyone panics that 20sided is ending, Harper'southward Tale: Tribes is next on my list to cease and there volition be an epilogue novella later this yr that revisits Jade combined with a prologue/intro novella for Kira, Alek's sister, who will exist getting her own series in 2020. (I'll do a split up post about those after Harper's book comes out, complete with the amazing Cistron Mollica cover art I've been sitting on and unable to share for well-nigh two years).

So thank you all for your continued agreement and patience.

Taking More Time

Remember how I said I was taking all the fourth dimension I need? I'm taking all the time I need, which is more time. Ending a story this big that I've been working on for years is a little scary, I own't gonna lie. I desire to brand certain I put absolutely every terminal fleck in that I want in there and tie things upwards in a satisfying way that completes my vision for Jade's story. Which means spending extra time in edits and working on the book etc. I don't actually want to release a book in Dec, because with the holidays and travel etc December is probably the worst calendar month to try to get new piece of work launched.  Plus this fashion I can safely (hopefully, haha) give a date for release so nobody panics.

So, officially Book 10 will be out on January 9th, 2019. That way we can all accept something to look forward to in the new year!

I'll exist finishing Harper's Tale after and so that 20sided related things tin truly become wrapped up, plus I'll have more than news about the new series with Alek's sister, Kira, and a new projection announcement hopefully.

I promise y'all all have a happy holidays surrounded by people you honey. See you lot in the New year!

Nov Update

I know it is November already. Finishing out book ten and getting final edits done etc is taking a bit longer than planned so I need a couple actress weeks and this is the end of the series so I'm taking all the time I need cause information technology's important to me to terminate Jade'south story properly. Then give me 2-3 weeks before yous panic that book 10 isn't out nevertheless, delight 🙂

And I know peeps are lamentable almost the series ending, simply please don't panic about that, either. There will be an epilogue novella showing some stuff after the events of book 10 that volition tie into a prequel novella introducing the side by side series set in the Twenty-Sided globe. Plus the very adjacent project on my plate after book 10 is to finish Tribes: Harper's Tale, which is technically another 20sided book. And so I'm not abandoning the globe at all and there will exist more nerdy, kickass urban fantasy coming.

Because the next serial is about Kira, Alek's sister. Y'all met her briefly in book six, merely just wait til she gets her ain stories. Information technology'south going to exist a wild ride. 🙂

Okay, new plan…

Which is to say, I think I'k going to release books ix and 10 in the same calendar week, probably around second week of September. I've been writing both at the same time because a lot of what happens in River of No Return is all laying the groundwork for the series finale. I suppose I tin can reveal the title of book 10 hither (but not the comprehend, cause it is SPOILERS central lol). Book 10 is titled Balancing the Scales.  1 of the things that has been delaying release of book 9 is that I am not sure I feel comfortable saying book 9 is finalized until book ten is also finalized because these books are and so intertwined in terms of one leading into the other (book 10'south events are almost all caused past what happens in volume ix, basically).

So the TLDR: Yous'll get both books the aforementioned week (maybe not the aforementioned day tho, depends on upload times and how hard I piece of work my poor copyeditors) and it will probably exist 2-3 weeks out from now since I still have to write the stop of the serial.


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